2 min readJun 21, 2021



Most times we have gold around us, we just do not realize it.
The resources and information needed for our success is not in one Chicapoto
It is not in the United States.
It is not in Abuja.

The resources and information needed for our success is within our reach.
We only need to recognize it, and creatively utilize it to our advantage.

Why am I writing about this?

Let me tell you what happened to me yesterday afternoon.

My system was fully charged, my phone was on 50% charge, and I DO NOT OWN A POWER BANK.

I was in an online class when PHCN ceased power.
My system, connected to my phone’s Hotspot, I worked hours into the class.
Then the laptop became low in power I had to switch to my phone. In no time, my phone too was screaming low battery! Which brought my work to a halt.

I pushed the system, phone and books to one side as I lie down muttering curses to PHCN and my spoilt generator.

Some minutes later, a young chap came to where I was lying and asked if I was done using the power bank.


What power bank? I asked.
Then it dawned on me that I had even held the power bank in my hand at a point while working, without thinking of using it to charge my phone!

The power bank was just there, FULLY CHARGED, waiting for whom to bless with power, and there I was, suffering from low battery!
I didn't recognize its potential simply because my mind had told me "I DO NOT OWN A POWER BANK!"

I put it to you again my friend,
Most times we have gold around us, we just do not realize it.

Mine your gold my friend, mine your gold.

Angel MESSI...




Magician. Visual Storyteller. Screenwriter. Author. Photographer. I believe Dreams Do Come True #DDCT